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48051 Author: jpe Date: 2005-03-25.00:19:51
Attached patch fixes test_eval by dealing with unicode
input correctly.  I'm also compiling tokenizer.c
directly rather than tokenizer_pgen.c --
tokenizer_pgen.c simply defines PGEN and then includes
tokenizer.c, which disables some of the unicode
support.  I don't think tokenizer_pgen.c is needed.
48052 Author: nascheme Date: 2005-04-02.19:00:55
Logged In: YES 

Commited.  Thanks for the patch.
48053 Author: paulcannon Date: 2005-03-25.03:40:42
Having poked around a little bit, I found it's not
simple to get at the contents of a cell object from
Python. It's not the sort of thing that one needs to be
doing very frequently, but I've run into a few
situations recently where it would be really useful
from a debugging standpoint.

You can get at a cell object containing a given value
by making a quick closure and looking at the
func_closure attribute:

  (lambda x: lambda: x)(some_value).func_closure[0]

but there's not anything we can easily do with that
object to find out what it's pointing at. The str()
representation only tells us the id of the contained value.

This trivial patch creates a "value()" method for cell
objects that returns a new reference to the contained
object, for introspection purposes.

I should mention it's not the only way to accomplish
this; you can also get at the contents of a cell by
creating a new function from a code object and
manufacturing its func_closures tuple from the cell you
already have:

def get_cell_value(cell):
    return type(lambda: 0)(
        (lambda x: lambda: x)(0).func_code, {}, None,
None, (cell,)

..but that's non-obvious and not particularly convenient.
48054 Author: paulcannon Date: 2005-03-25.03:42:15
Logged In: YES 

I should mention the patch applies against both 2.4 and the
latest 2.5 from CVS.
48055 Author: arigo Date: 2005-04-03.14:43:16
Logged In: YES 

I guess this can be safely sneaked in 2.5, as cells are quite undocumented internal objects anyway.  I believe it would be more natural to access the value as an attribute "c.value", though.  (Possibly even a read-write attribute?)

Probably not in 2.4, though; there is a no-new-feature policy.
48056 Author: georg.brandl Date: 2006-03-18.08:01:34
Logged In: YES 

Added a "cell_contents" attribute to cell objects in rev. 43131.
48057 Author: tim.peters Date: 2006-03-18.18:35:28
Logged In: YES 

Jeremy, I vaguely recall that you deliberately made cell
objects non-inspectable.  Is that right?  If so and you
still care about that, note that it's no longer true.
48058 Author: paulcannon Date: 2005-03-26.20:57:13
The py_compile.compile() function, when doraise=False
and a compilation error is encountered, simply prints
the message to sys.stderr and returns.  However, it
neglects to add a newline.  Furthermore, judging by the
definition of PyCompileError earlier in the file and
the fact that the message will always come from an
instance of PyCompileError, the message will never
include a newline.

Some shells issue a carraige return before the command
prompt, so that would hide the output from
py_compile.compile if it were the last message to the

Checking all occurences of "py_compile" in the python
source indicates they all either use compile() with
doraise=True or expect normal newline-terminated output
on error.

This patch appends the newline.
48059 Author: georg.brandl Date: 2005-06-10.17:15:48
Logged In: YES 

Thanks! Checked in as rev 1.27.
48060 Author: pernici Date: 2005-03-27.16:03:21
The python implementation of islice() in
fails the following test, unlike itertools.islice():

def test_islice():
  it = iter(range(10))
  a = list(islice(it, 0,3))
  next =
  assert next == 3


A fix is given in the attached file.
48061 Author: rhettinger Date: 2005-03-27.20:20:11
Logged In: YES 

Checked in an alternate version of the supplied patch. 
Also, added the given test.

    Doc/lib/libitertools.tex 1.35 and
    Lib/test/ 1.39
48062 Author: logistix Date: 2005-03-27.19:46:17
base64.b32decode didn't decode some things properly. 
Seems to have only impacted characters with a value <
32.  Attached is a fix and a new test.
48063 Author: logistix Date: 2005-03-27.21:43:09
Logged In: YES 

Updated patch to reflect another fix.

I originally thought the bug was related to cleanup of a
partial quanta.  It will trigger on any quanta where the
initial hex value is < 0x10.  When this happens part of the
hex code disappears in the initial conversion and is
mistakenly swallowed.  The hex function that was originally
used doesn't zero-pad, but the way the bit shifting works,
it doesn't need to when encoding normal alpha-numeric
characters, so it seemed to work correctly.

This will only cause problems if you are using a character
value of < 0x10 in the 0th, 4th, 8th, 12th, etc positions in
the encoded string.  Otherwise it'll work properly.  Using
"%010x" ensures that you'll get the appropriate zero-padding
if necessary.

Example of more broken code not covered in the original bug:

>>> base64.b32decode(base64.b32encode('\x00aaa'))

Updated patch fixes this case as well.
48064 Author: akuchling Date: 2005-06-08.22:53:58
Logged In: YES 

Applied; thanks!  I also added a test case that would have
caught the bug.
48065 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.09:31:04
Darwin 8's headers are anal about POSIX compliance, and linking 
has changed (prebinding is now deprecated, and libcc_dynamic no 
longer exists).  This configure patch makes things right.
48066 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.10:12:09
Logged In: YES 

got the OK from Anthony, going to apply and backport to 2.4-maint 
tomorrow after sufficient testing.
48067 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.17:52:19
Logged In: YES 

This is an updated version of the patch.  When using gcc4, libcc_dynamic 
does not exist.  Previous versions of gcc require it.  So the linker flags are 
dependent on the gcc version.

This fixes compilation on Darwin >= 8 with gcc < 4.0 (gcc 4 is the default)
48068 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.19:24:21
Logged In: YES 

Apparently I don't have write access to this part of CVS yet, so I can't 
commit this.  Here's the commit message I would've used:

patch [1171735] - Darwin 8's headers disable functionality when POSIX
is enabled.  This prevents the toolbox glue, all of Carbon, and various
other non-POSIX features from compiling.  The POSIX symbols are 
stillused by default, so turning off the #define doesn't hurt.

Additionally, linker flags have changed for Darwin 8, and are different
for Darwin 8/gcc4 (default) and Darwin 8/gcc3.3.  

Approved by Anthony 
48069 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.23:25:50
Logged In: YES 

I did have write access, I was confused by the fact that my python24 tag 
was checked out anon.  Committed.
48070 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.10:13:53
(this is the 2.4-maint backport of 1171735)

Darwin 8's headers are anal about POSIX compliance, and linking 
has changed (prebinding is now deprecated, and libcc_dynamic no 
longer exists). This configure patch makes things right.
48071 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.10:19:02
Logged In: YES 

... patch small enough to upload, using same autoconf version as what 
was used by CVS
48072 Author: loewis Date: 2005-03-28.15:13:26
Logged In: YES 

In the comment as to why this disables platform specific
features beyond repair, please list specific examples (e.g.
the first one that is encountered); please also put your
name as the one to ask for further details into this comment.

Also, I would prefer this not to talk about versions whose
development has not started yet (ie. 8.*), unless there is
some really strong indication that none of the 8.* releases
will provide a solution.
48073 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.16:26:10
Logged In: YES 

I would prefer to not talk about versions that have not been released 
publicly yet too (it has been in development for quite some time), but it's 
going to be released with this bug, and we want Python to compile on this 

I need to make some updates to these patches, and will improve the 
comment at that time.
48074 Author: loewis Date: 2005-03-28.16:55:19
Logged In: YES 

I'm fine with this patch applying to 8.0 (or whatever it is
going to be called); my concern is that it is unclear
(atleast to me) whether the problem will still exist in,
say, 8.5.
48075 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.17:04:55
Logged In: YES 

That's up to them.. I don't have access to that kind of information.  We'll 
know when a new set of headers are released.  In my experience with 
the platform, it is very rare that headers are modified in any way after 
release, until the next major version.  So my guess is that the problem 
will still exist in 8.5.

It doesn't matter so much either way, turning these defines off doesn't 
break anything.  On this platform, they are used almost exclusively to 
turn off behavior, not to enable or change behavior.  I'm perfectly willing 
to revise the patch when/if it's fixed in the headers, but I think that will 
be a while.
48076 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.17:51:47
Logged In: YES 

This is an updated version of the patch.  When using gcc4, libcc_dynamic 
does not exist.  Previous versions of gcc require it.  So the linker flags are 
dependent on the gcc version.

This fixes compilation on Darwin >= 8 with gcc < 4.0 (gcc 4 is the default)
48077 Author: loewis Date: 2005-03-28.17:56:39
Logged In: YES 

Ok, this is fine then. The other option would have been to
explicitly state 8.0, instead of 8.*, and extend that to
8.[01] when 8.1 is released and still shows the problem, and
so on. I really wish Apple would provide a #define to turn
on additional features.
48078 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.18:03:05
Logged In: YES 

I wish Apple would have an additional #define too, but they don't.

The other option sounds bad.  On the first minor kernel update, Python 
won't compile any more.  In the manner I applied the patch, a minor kernel 
update will not break anything.  When they fix the headers, we can fix 
Python's configure on our own schedule, since this patch won't regress 
with fixed headers.
48079 Author: loewis Date: 2005-03-28.19:01:53
Logged In: YES 

I'm concerned that this section in might
collect old cruft, without a chance of ever getting rid of
it. Therefore, in general, I would like to see each setting
be reconsidered every time a new OS release is made;
allowing for removal of settings for systems that are not
supported any longer.

In the specific case, this is probably fine as-is, since
"Darwin 8.*" will likely be superceded with Darwin 9.0
within a few years, at which point the issue then is
48080 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.19:09:01
Logged In: YES 

I agree, and I will fix it when the headers allow such a fix.

I just don't want to see a minor OS update break all current versions of 
Python, such that we have to issue a patch and accelerate a release.  I 
also don't want it to be specific to Darwin 8.*, because chances are, 
Darwin 9 is going to be more like Darwin 8 than previous versions... so it 
makes sense to default to whatever worked most recently.
48081 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.19:23:55
Logged In: YES 

Apparently I don't have write access to this part of CVS yet, so I can't 
commit this.  Here's the commit message I would've used:

patch [1171767] - Darwin 8's headers disable functionality when POSIX
is enabled.  This prevents the toolbox glue, all of Carbon, and various
other non-POSIX features from compiling.  The POSIX symbols are 
stillused by default, so turning off the #define doesn't hurt.

Additionally, linker flags have changed for Darwin 8, and are different
for Darwin 8/gcc4 (default) and Darwin 8/gcc3.3.  

Approved by Anthony 
48082 Author: loewis Date: 2005-03-28.20:38:04
Logged In: YES 

Hmm; I can't see anything wrong with your user settings, so
you should have write access in theory. Can you do checkouts
using your SSH key?
48083 Author: bob.ippolito Date: 2005-03-28.23:25:14
Logged In: YES 

nice catch!  you're right, my release24-maint wasn't checked out with SSH.  
I did have access to commit.  Thanks.
48084 Author: jackjansen Date: 2005-03-31.10:40:23
Logged In: YES 

Adding this information here for reference: rumour has it that Apple is 
actively thinking of ways to fix the POSIX_C_SOURCE problems (i.e. the 
fact that this define disables some features while enabling others), 
probably through a different define that you can use together with 
POSIX_C_SOURCE to re-enable apple-specific additions or something like 

So, we should keep our eyes open for this.
48085 Author: orenti Date: 2005-03-29.18:58:42
This patch adds signed and unsigned long long support
to the array module. These types are already supported
by the struct module and use the same format characters

Also corrects a minor bug in PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong
which reports a BadInternalCall for arguments of
inappropriate type rather than a mere TypeError as
reported by the other conversion functions.
48086 Author: arigo Date: 2005-04-03.14:24:41
Logged In: YES 

No two conversion function in longobject.c seem to have the same rules for what to do about non-long objects :-(  I'm afraid some clean-up would be useful, but also difficult for fear of breaking existing user C code :-(

In fact, your patch doesn't apply with today's CVS because someone already tried to add some magic in PyObject_AsLongLong().  It also fails on and applies uncleanly on arraymodule.c.

Also, it needs to update the array module documentation.
48087 Author: orenti Date: 2005-04-07.23:53:34
Logged In: YES 

My patch was against 2.4... (duh!)

The other bug is already fixed on 2.5.
48088 Author: vds2212 Date: 2005-03-30.09:05:42
Distutils have a script functionality that copy the 
corresponding file
into a common script folder (that could be on the 
path) and sligthly
modify the first line of the script to reflect the path 
of the python

It is very nice because it make new commands 
directly available but 
for the window platform I think it could be 

First the extention of the script could be .bat such 
that they will be
accessible as commands as soon as the script 
folder is in the path.

Second the first line adaptation could be slightly 
different and take
advantage of the -x option of the python executable

#!python foo bar

could become:

@C:\Python24\python.exe -x "%~f0" foo bar  & exit /

instead of:

#!C:\Python24\python.exe -x "%~f0"  foo bar & exit /

In attachement I add my modified version of the file (Revision 1.25, the head of the 
30th of March)

48089 Author: vds2212 Date: 2005-04-02.06:39:41
Logged In: YES 

 Here is a small summary of the remark made arround 
the she-bang modification of the windows platform.

1. Trent let us know that the she-bang modification 
works only for the win nt sons and that in general it is 
better to use the .bat extension instead of the .cmd one

2. I realize that we shouldn't change the extension of a 
script if it exist since the extention could be usefull to 
determine which version of python to run
 - pythonw for the .pyw extention
 - python for the .py extention

According to these remarks and in the purpose to be 
as conservative as possible I make this another 

The change in the she bang will happend only if
 - the win32 platform is detected ( == "nt")
 - the platform is win NT son (os.environ["OS"] == 
 - the original script had no extension (os.path.
splitext(outfile)[1] == "")

Furthermore I add the %* in the new nt she-bang to let 
the underlying script know about command line 

such that the unix she-bang:

    #!python foo bar

will become:

    @C:\Python24\Python.exe -x "%%~f0" foo bar %* & 
exit /b

I think that in these conditions the change could only 
improve the existing situation at least it improve for 
some them (Zope, Chetaah, PyCrust, IPython)

Tell me what you think about the proposed change.

48090 Author: yallop Date: 2005-03-30.12:16:09
Docstrings for unicodedata, extracted from the tex
48091 Author: hyeshik.chang Date: 2005-04-04.16:32:58
Logged In: YES 

Committed in Modules/unicodedata.c 2.33.

Thank you for the patch!
48092 Author: dsuch Date: 2005-04-29.21:36:30
Logged In: YES 

I think the module's docstring is wrong (and so is the tex
documentation, and this page too

The URL for UnicodeData File Format 3.2.0 is
48093 Author: hyeshik.chang Date: 2005-06-04.07:33:00
Logged In: YES 

URL is corrected in CVS. Thank you!

Doc/lib/libunicodedata.tex 1.9
Modules/unicodedata.c 2.34
48094 Author: mwh Date: 2005-03-30.17:09:14
This is a first, rough cut at allowing subclasses of variable length 
types to have __slots__ of all flavours, not just __dict__.

The motivation is trying to understand and document what's going on 
in typeobject.c, and the less special cases knocking around the 

This patch also allows instances of such classes to be weakly 

What is missing: tests, lots of tests, documentation.  Also, the code 
is a bit hackish at various points; a degree of clean up can certainly 
be acheived.

Also, I think my code probably fails to cope with code like:

class A(str):
 pass # implicitly adds __dict__, __weakref__
class B(A):
 __slots__ = ["a", "b"]

b = B()
b.c = 1

Hmm, yes.  Oh well, no time to fix today (I don't think it's that big a 
48095 Author: arigo Date: 2005-04-03.14:11:21
Logged In: YES 

I'm confused: the rule for negative slot offsets appear to be different to the one for tp_dictoffset, which only increases the amount of obscurity around here.

tp_dictoffset counts relative to the end of the object, whereas in your patch negative slot offsets are a different trick to mean "relative to the start but skipping the varsized part".  The difference shows up when subclassing increases tp_basicsize.  This should be resolved one way or the other -- and I think that a clear picture of the various parts of the object and how they are measured would be a good start.

That's also related to your proposed change to extra_ivars(), which would become slightly more permissive; I strongly suspect that it would allow more strange segfaulting cases to sneak in undetected...
48096 Author: mwh Date: 2005-04-03.14:32:16
Logged In: YES 

> I'm confused: the rule for negative slot offsets appear to be
> different to the one for tp_dictoffset

Yes.  I think this is actually necessary.


class S(str):
    __slots__ = ['a']

you'd except S.__dict__['a'].__offset__ (well, if the attribute existed) to be 


class T(S):
    __slots__ = ['b']

then using the 'from the end of the object' rule for  T().a would actually find 
T.b.  (IOW, T.__dict__['b'].__offset__ == T.__dict__['a'].__offset__ == -4).  
The alternative would be to somehow override all the slots in S when T is 
defined -- and this doesn't seem wise.

__dict__ indeed works differently, because 
instance.__class__.__dictoffset__ is updated on subclassing.  You could 
make __dict__ work like the slots mentioned above, but then you'd have to 
find the '__dict__' descriptor every time you wanted to access an 
instance's dictionary, and that would be slow (and might even not really 
work, but I don't want to risk brain-explosion by thinking about it too hard)

> which only increases the amount of obscurity around here.

Yeah, sorry about that.

I think something I've realised over the past few days is that __dict__ 
really is special.  I'm not sure __weakref__ is (though I guess it's special in 
that you want to be able to access it from C without any risk of executing 
Python level code, i.e. replacing Py_GETWEAKREFLIST(ob) with 
PyOjbect_GetAttrString(ob, "__weakref__") would be unfortunate).

> This should be resolved one way or the other 

See above -- don't think you can.

> -- and I think that
> a clear picture of the various parts of the object and how they
> are measured would be a good start.

No kidding here!

> That's also related to your proposed change to extra_ivars(),
> which would become slightly more permissive; I strongly suspect
> that it would allow more strange segfaulting cases to sneak in
> undetected...

Almost certainly!
48097 Author: arigo Date: 2005-04-03.15:27:26
Logged In: YES 

I think it's still possible to give slot.offset the same meaning as tp_dictoffset, even given the additional constrain that it can't change upon subclassing.  In your example classes S and T, we can put 'b' before 'a' in memory, so that a.offset==-4 (for both S and T) and b.offset==-8.
48098 Author: mwh Date: 2005-04-03.16:19:21
Logged In: YES 

Heh, yes that works, and completely hadn't occurred to me.
48099 Author: pdecat Date: 2005-03-31.10:59:05
If a malformed XML file (containing non unicode
characters) is parsed with pyexpat, python crashes.

Most details on request.
48100 Author: pdecat Date: 2005-03-31.12:18:36
Logged In: YES 

Maybe security related, as it can lead to denial of service:
it crashes a Zope server using the ParsedXML product simply
by uploading a malformed XML file.