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Author paulcannon
Date 2005-03-26.20:57:13
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
The py_compile.compile() function, when doraise=False
and a compilation error is encountered, simply prints
the message to sys.stderr and returns.  However, it
neglects to add a newline.  Furthermore, judging by the
definition of PyCompileError earlier in the file and
the fact that the message will always come from an
instance of PyCompileError, the message will never
include a newline.

Some shells issue a carraige return before the command
prompt, so that would hide the output from
py_compile.compile if it were the last message to the

Checking all occurences of "py_compile" in the python
source indicates they all either use compile() with
doraise=True or expect normal newline-terminated output
on error.

This patch appends the newline.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:42:22adminlinkissue1171150 messages
2007-08-23 15:42:22admincreate