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Author taleinat
Recipients roger.serwy, taleinat
Date 2009-06-13.10:26:16
SpamBayes Score 3.5677294e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
First of all I think that the Squeezer (issue #1529353) extension is
more useful and solves most of the problems that this proposed feature
is set to solve, e.g. issue #1442493.

IMO the second method you offer - temporarily moving "iomark" - is

One reason is that it will allow using the undo feature to undo deleting
the entire shell history. I think this is important since deleting the
history by accident without a way to retrieve it would be very annoying.

I propose going with the clear_window2 method, wrapping it with
undo_block_start() and undo_block_stop().
Date User Action Args
2009-06-13 10:26:20taleinatsetrecipients: + taleinat, roger.serwy
2009-06-13 10:26:20taleinatsetmessageid: <>
2009-06-13 10:26:18taleinatlinkissue6143 messages
2009-06-13 10:26:16taleinatcreate