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Author rindeal
Recipients MrSurly, rindeal
Date 2021-11-07.14:24:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I have created a workaround, since it might take years to fix this in master. Hope it'll come in useful.

For the example in, but probably any combination of Unions and BigEndianStructures can be constructed this way.
class U_a(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('a', ct.c_int)]

class U_b(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('b', ct.c_int)]

class U(ct.Union):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_a', U_a),
        ('_b', U_b),
    _anonymous_ = ['_a', '_b']

class _S_be_fields_only(ct.Structure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_x', ct.c_int),
        ('y', U),
class _S_2be_fields_only(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('x', ct.c_int),
        ('_y', ct.c_byte * ct.sizeof(U)),

class _S_U(ct.Union):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_be_fields_only', _S_be_fields_only),
        ('_2be_fields_only', _S_2be_fields_only),
    _anonymous_ = [f[0] for f in _fields_]

class S(ct.Structure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('_s_u', _S_U)]
    _anonymous_ = [_fields_[0][0]]

issubclass(S, ct.Structure) == True
s = S(x=0x11223344, y=U(a=0xaabbccdd))
s.y.a == s.y.b
bytes(s).hex() == "11223344aabbccdd"
Date User Action Args
2021-11-07 14:24:54rindealsetrecipients: + rindeal, MrSurly
2021-11-07 14:24:54rindealsetmessageid: <>
2021-11-07 14:24:54rindeallinkissue43073 messages
2021-11-07 14:24:54rindealcreate