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Title: Adding a ctypes.Union to a ctypes.BigEndianStructure results in an error
Type: Stage:
Components: ctypes Versions: Python 3.8
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: MrSurly, rindeal
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2021-01-30 04:38 by MrSurly, last changed 2022-04-11 14:59 by admin.

Messages (2)
msg385970 - (view) Author: Eric Poulsen (MrSurly) Date: 2021-01-30 04:38
Placing a ctypes.Union inside of a ctypes.BigEndianStructure results in "TypeError: This type does not support other endian".  I believe this is a similar problem to issue #4376 (

Minimum repro test case:

import ctypes as ct

class U(ct.Union):
        ('a', ct.c_int),
        ('b', ct.c_int),

class S(ct.BigEndianStructure):
        ('x', ct.c_int),
        ('y', U),

I believe the fix is similar to that issue, though I admit I don't know enough about this code to be sure.

diff --git a/Lib/ctypes/ b/Lib/ctypes/
index 37444bd6a7..525c5e58c9 100644
--- a/Lib/ctypes/
+++ b/Lib/ctypes/
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ def _other_endian(typ):
     # if typ is structure
     if issubclass(typ, Structure):
         return typ
+    # if typ is union:
+    if issubclass(typ, Union):
+        return typ
     raise TypeError("This type does not support other endian: %s" % typ)
 class _swapped_meta(type(Structure)):
msg405906 - (view) Author: Jan Chren (rindeal) Date: 2021-11-07 14:24
I have created a workaround, since it might take years to fix this in master. Hope it'll come in useful.

For the example in, but probably any combination of Unions and BigEndianStructures can be constructed this way.
class U_a(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('a', ct.c_int)]

class U_b(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('b', ct.c_int)]

class U(ct.Union):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_a', U_a),
        ('_b', U_b),
    _anonymous_ = ['_a', '_b']

class _S_be_fields_only(ct.Structure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_x', ct.c_int),
        ('y', U),
class _S_2be_fields_only(ct.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('x', ct.c_int),
        ('_y', ct.c_byte * ct.sizeof(U)),

class _S_U(ct.Union):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [
        ('_be_fields_only', _S_be_fields_only),
        ('_2be_fields_only', _S_2be_fields_only),
    _anonymous_ = [f[0] for f in _fields_]

class S(ct.Structure):
    _pack_ = True
    _fields_ = [('_s_u', _S_U)]
    _anonymous_ = [_fields_[0][0]]

issubclass(S, ct.Structure) == True
s = S(x=0x11223344, y=U(a=0xaabbccdd))
s.y.a == s.y.b
bytes(s).hex() == "11223344aabbccdd"
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:59:40adminsetgithub: 87239
2021-11-07 14:24:54rindealsetnosy: + rindeal
messages: + msg405906
2021-01-30 04:38:58MrSurlycreate