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Author stephenwp
Recipients docs@python, stephenwp
Date 2018-03-09.15:27:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Section 4.7.2 of the documentation, "Keyword Arguments", has several examples of valid calls to the sample function parrot.

The function definition is:
def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', action='voom', type='Norwegian Blue'):

The last two calls in the valid samples are actually not valid, since they are missing the required "voltage" parameter.
parrot('a million', 'bereft of life', 'jump')         # 3 positional arguments
parrot('a thousand', state='pushing up the daisies')  # 1 positional, 1 keyword

They should be changed to include a value for voltage, along with a change to the comment:
parrot(1000, 'a million', 'bereft of life', 'jump')         # 4 positional arguments
parrot(1000, 'a thousand', state='pushing up the daisies')  # 2 positional, 1 keyword

This issue is present in all currently available versions of the documentation: 2.7; 3.5; 3.6.4; pre (3.7); and dev (3.8).
Date User Action Args
2018-03-09 15:27:32stephenwpsetrecipients: + stephenwp, docs@python
2018-03-09 15:27:32stephenwpsetmessageid: <>
2018-03-09 15:27:32stephenwplinkissue33035 messages
2018-03-09 15:27:32stephenwpcreate