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Author r.david.murray
Recipients Joseph.Warren, orsenthil, r.david.murray
Date 2013-09-19.16:10:36
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I think we can fix this in maintenance releases without breaking anyone's code, so a patch against both 2.7 and 3.3 would be ideal.  A patch against 3.2 will probably apply cleanly to 3.3, so that should be fine as well.

Thanks for working on this, and could you please submit a contributor agreement at your earliest convenience?  It takes a few days for that to get processed.
Date User Action Args
2013-09-19 16:10:37r.david.murraysetrecipients: + r.david.murray, orsenthil, Joseph.Warren
2013-09-19 16:10:36r.david.murraysetmessageid: <>
2013-09-19 16:10:36r.david.murraylinkissue19052 messages
2013-09-19 16:10:36r.david.murraycreate