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Author pitrou
Recipients mirabilos, pitrou
Date 2013-05-25.21:12:58
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I suppose it's in SizeofTest specifically (in the future, please quote more detailed test information; you can get it by replaying a test in verbose mode, e.g. "./python -m test -v test_sys").

Can you post the output of:

>>> struct.calcsize("PPnP5Pb")

>>> struct.calcsize("PPnP5Pi")

>>> struct.calcsize("PPnP5Pb0P")

>>> struct.calcsize("PPnP5Pi0P")
Date User Action Args
2013-05-25 21:12:58pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, mirabilos
2013-05-25 21:12:58pitrousetmessageid: <>
2013-05-25 21:12:58pitroulinkissue18063 messages
2013-05-25 21:12:58pitroucreate