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Title: Comparing datetime.time objects incorrect for TZ aware and unaware
Type: Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 3.9
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: Jason.Killen, epicadv, p-ganssle
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2019-11-15 13:30 by epicadv, last changed 2022-04-11 14:59 by admin.

Messages (5)
msg356673 - (view) Author: Mike (epicadv) Date: 2019-11-15 13:30
import pytz
import datetime

tzaware_time1 = datetime.time(7,30,tzinfo=pytz.timezone("America/Denver"))
tzaware_time2 = datetime.time(7,30,tzinfo=pytz.utc)

tzunaware_time = datetime.time(7, 30)

# This fails with exception: TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware times
# even though both ARE tz aware.
tzaware_time1 < tzaware_time2

# This does NOT raise an exception and should since one is aware and one isn't.
tzunaware_time < tzaware_time1
msg356706 - (view) Author: Jason Killen (Jason.Killen) * Date: 2019-11-15 18:49
This appears to be a bug in pytz which as far as I can tell is not part of the "standard" lib, at least it's not in Lib.

Running this example which does not use pytz:
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, tzinfo, timezone, time

# stole this from the docs, and beat it up a bit
class KabulTz(tzinfo):
    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return timedelta(hours=4, minutes=30)

    def fromutc(self, dt):
        # Follow same validations as in datetime.tzinfo
        if not isinstance(dt, datetime):
            raise TypeError("fromutc() requires a datetime argument")
        if dt.tzinfo is not self:
            raise ValueError("dt.tzinfo is not self")

        return dt + timedelta(hours=4)

    def dst(self, dt):
        # Kabul does not observe daylight saving time.
        return timedelta(0)

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return "+04"

tzaware_time2 = time(7,30,tzinfo=timezone.utc)
tzaware_time1 = time(7,30,tzinfo=KabulTz())

tzunaware_time = time(7, 30)

tzaware_time1 < tzaware_time2

I get no error.

When I use your example I notice that utcoffset in pytz/ returns None for the Denver example but for the UTC object returns ZERO which happens to be timedelta(0) which seems correct.  It's weird to me that pytz is returning None in the Denver case because I think what it should return is right there in self._utcoffset.

More info: It looks like pytz isn't handling the fact that it's a time only type.  `dt` appears to be a datetime when utcoffset is called from a datetime.
msg356806 - (view) Author: Mike (epicadv) Date: 2019-11-17 13:21
Ok. I'll file a bug on pytz. Thanks!

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 11:18 PM Karthikeyan Singaravelan <> wrote:

> Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan <>:
> ----------
> nosy: +p-ganssle
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msg356814 - (view) Author: Paul Ganssle (p-ganssle) * (Python committer) Date: 2019-11-17 15:07
I do not think this is a bug in pytz, but if it's a bug in Python it's one in reporting what the error is.

The issue is that the time zone offset for "rules-based zones" like America/Denver (i.e. most time zones) is *undefined* for bare times, because the offset that apply depends on the *date* and the *time*.

The documentation for `tzinfo.utcoffset` specifies that if the offset is unknown, a time zone offset should return None:

The documentation for determining whether an object is aware or naive also specifies that if utcoffset() returns `None`, the object is naive (even if tzinfo is not None):

So basically, everyone is doing the right thing except the person who attached this `pytz` time zone to a time object (as a side note, it may be worth reading this blog post that explains why the way this time zone is attached to the `time` object is incorrect:

That said, we may be able to improve the error message raised here by distinguishing between the case where there's no `tzinfo` at all and the case where `utcoffset()` returns `None`. I think we can change the exception message to have a helpful hint like, "cannot compare offset-naive and offset-aware times; one of the operands is offset-naive because its offset is undefined."

We could possibly be even more specific.
msg356881 - (view) Author: Jason Killen (Jason.Killen) * Date: 2019-11-18 16:44
Yep I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees.  Thanks for clearing that up.  I'll swoop back in and see what I can do.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:59:23adminsetgithub: 82993
2019-11-18 16:44:25Jason.Killensetmessages: + msg356881
2019-11-17 15:07:41p-gansslesetmessages: + msg356814
components: + Library (Lib)
versions: + Python 3.9, - Python 3.6
2019-11-17 13:21:17epicadvsetmessages: + msg356806
2019-11-17 06:18:05xtreaksetnosy: + p-ganssle
2019-11-15 18:49:27Jason.Killensetnosy: + Jason.Killen
messages: + msg356706
2019-11-15 13:30:11epicadvcreate