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Author vajrasky
Recipients r.david.murray, vajrasky
Date 2013-07-19.16:22:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In Lib/test/test_email/,

Part 1: line 4210 and 4217 have same function name, which is test_encode_one_long_line. In fact, they have same function body!

    def test_encode_one_long_line(self):
        self._test_encode('x' * 100 + '\n', 'x' * 75 + '=\n' + 'x' * 25 + '\n')

One of them can be removed.

Part 2: line 928 and 1009 have same function name, which is test_splitter_split_on_punctuation_only_if_fws. This time, they have different function body and one of them (line 928) is overshadowed (not being executed by unit test) by the other. So we must rename one of them.
Date User Action Args
2013-07-19 16:22:41vajraskysetrecipients: + vajrasky, r.david.murray
2013-07-19 16:22:41vajraskysetmessageid: <>
2013-07-19 16:22:41vajraskylinkissue18505 messages
2013-07-19 16:22:41vajraskycreate