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Author ronaldoussoren
Recipients eric.araujo, ronaldoussoren
Date 2012-04-06.10:22:09
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When I run "make tests" I get (amongst others) the following test failure:

FAIL: test_noargs (test.test_tools.ReindentTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/Lib/test/", line 30, in test_noargs
  File "/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/Lib/test/", line 53, in assert_python_ok
    return _assert_python(True, *args, **env_vars)
  File "/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/Lib/test/", line 45, in _assert_python
    "stderr follows:\n%s" % (rc, err.decode('ascii', 'ignore')))
AssertionError: Process return code is 2, stderr follows:
/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/build/python.exe: can't open file '/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/build/Tools/scripts/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

This is because the script is actually "/Users/ronald/Projects/python/rw/default/Tools/scripts/".

The attached patch fixes the issue.

(assigned to eric because he introduced these tests, unless there are objections I'll commit during the weekend)
Date User Action Args
2012-04-06 10:22:10ronaldoussorensetrecipients: + ronaldoussoren, eric.araujo
2012-04-06 10:22:10ronaldoussorensetmessageid: <>
2012-04-06 10:22:09ronaldoussorenlinkissue14516 messages
2012-04-06 10:22:09ronaldoussorencreate