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URL PR 13421
Status merged
Title bpo-36965: include windows.h to be able to use STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT
Date User Action Args
2019-05-21 10:11:13erikjansssetstatus: open -> merged
2019-05-21 09:48:01erikjansssetstatus: closed -> open
2019-05-21 09:47:58erikjansssetstatus: open -> closed
2019-05-20 18:46:34erikjansssettitle: bpo-36965: include ntstatus.h when compiling for windows -> bpo-36965: include windows.h to be able to use STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT
2019-05-19 13:32:12erikjansslinkissue36965 pull_requests
2019-05-19 13:32:12erikjansscreate