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URL PR 11274
Status merged
Title bpo-23057: Use 'raise' to emulate ctrl-c in proactor tests
Date User Action Args
2019-01-05 20:45:00v2msetstatus: open -> merged
2018-12-24 16:16:41v2msettitle: bpo-23057: Use CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP for proactor tests -> bpo-23057: Use 'raise' to emulate ctrl-c in proactor tests
2018-12-24 14:21:04v2msetstatus: open
title: bpo-23057: Use CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP for proactor tests
2018-12-22 21:26:07cheryl.sabellalinkissue23057 pull_requests
2018-12-22 21:26:07cheryl.sabellacreate