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Author flox
Recipients ezio.melotti, flox, jnoller, tarek
Date 2010-01-24.23:39:26
SpamBayes Score 0.022318544
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Confirmed on all Python versions.

Same behaviour without subprocess:
~ $ sh -c "exec -a missingfile python -c 'import sys; print sys.executable'"
Date User Action Args
2010-01-24 23:39:28floxsetrecipients: + flox, tarek, jnoller, ezio.melotti
2010-01-24 23:39:28floxsetmessageid: <>
2010-01-24 23:39:26floxlinkissue7774 messages
2010-01-24 23:39:26floxcreate