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Author brian.curtin
Recipients brett.cannon, brian.curtin, ezio.melotti, pitrou
Date 2010-01-06.22:09:45
SpamBayes Score 3.1879088e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The wording of the documentation flows and is arranged better than before.

However, there is a test failure: test_exceptions.testDeprecatedMessageAttribute depends on the deprecation warning always occuring. 
@unittest.skipIf(DeprecationWarning in [filter[2] for filter in warnings.filters], "DeprecationWarning disabled") or something like that could avoid it.
Date User Action Args
2010-01-06 22:09:47brian.curtinsetrecipients: + brian.curtin, brett.cannon, pitrou, ezio.melotti
2010-01-06 22:09:47brian.curtinsetmessageid: <>
2010-01-06 22:09:45brian.curtinlinkissue7319 messages
2010-01-06 22:09:45brian.curtincreate