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Author ciantic
Recipients ciantic, lemburg, tarek
Date 2009-12-23.11:09:55
SpamBayes Score 2.0233815e-13
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Note that I don't think that just providing an alternative order of 
build_py and build_ext would solve the SWIG issue - e.g. build_py 
wouldn't know about the new files SWIG generates unless the SWIG build 
process explicitly tells the build_py command about these new files.

I don't think this is the case, let me explain:

Usually to my naive understanding, (I've just developed first SWIG 
python extension) the generated .py filenames are *known by name* 
beforehand, thus I can do following:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from distutils.core import setup, Extension
    from distutils.command.build_py import build_py

    dist = setup(name='mypythonmodule',
            Extension('swiggedmodule', ['swiggedinterface.i'], 
        py_modules=['swiggedmodule'], # We *know* that the SWIG 
                                      # generation creates this module.

    # Rerun the build_py to ensure that swig generated py is build
    build_py = build_py(dist)

The very first line of `swiggedinterface.i` is the key here, it is 
created by us, which explicitely says it will create

    %module "swiggedmodule"

This fact makes us sure that it creates only and we can 
safely put it in setup py without any guessing work. This is why the 
simply re-running the built_py works, or running " build_ext 
build_py" but users of the module shouldn't need to use different way of 
building the swig modules than other modules.
Date User Action Args
2009-12-23 11:09:58cianticsetrecipients: + ciantic, lemburg, tarek
2009-12-23 11:09:58cianticsetmessageid: <>
2009-12-23 11:09:57cianticlinkissue7562 messages
2009-12-23 11:09:55cianticcreate