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Author flox
Recipients flox
Date 2009-12-20.23:55:06
SpamBayes Score 0.09402716
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Updated benchmarks.

 str    unicode
 (ms)   (ms)

 ========== late match, 100 characters
                s="ABC"*33; ("E"+s+("D"+s)*500).rfind("E"+s)
 32.89  15.65   rfind (classic)
 32.81  15.63   rindex (classic)
 11.77  13.27   rfind (fastsearch)
 11.78  13.40   rindex (fastsearch)

 ========== late match, two characters
 4.34   2.36    ("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA") (classic)
 4.44   2.36    ("C"+"AB"*300).rindex("CA") (classic)
 2.10   2.31    ("C"+"AB"*300).rfind("CA") (fastsearch)
 2.10   2.32    ("C"+"AB"*300).rindex("CA") (fastsearch)

 ========== no match, two characters
 14.12  13.46   ("AB"*1000).rfind("BC") (classic)
 7.67   8.26    ("AB"*1000).rfind("BC") (fastsearch)
Date User Action Args
2009-12-20 23:55:10floxsetrecipients: + flox
2009-12-20 23:55:09floxsetmessageid: <>
2009-12-20 23:55:08floxlinkissue7462 messages
2009-12-20 23:55:07floxcreate