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Author mbroughton
Recipients christian.heimes, loewis, mbroughton, therve
Date 2009-10-27.00:52:06
SpamBayes Score 2.425289e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Martin, thanks for your responses. In regards to point three:

Kqueue's are not just used for file descriptors. I believe this is the
reason why the ident field is a uintptr_t and not an int.

The example I gave was for kqueue timers. Since the operating system
does not allocate 'timer descriptors' for you, I decided to use the
return value from the id function.

Here is some code that demonstrates:

import select
a = 1
b = id(a)
c = select.kevent(a)
d = select.kevent(b)
assert a == c.ident
assert b == d.ident
assert b & (1<<32) - 1 == d.ident

The second assert will fail on 64 bit systems if 'b' is too big.

Anyway, I will try to come up with a patch for this.
Date User Action Args
2009-10-27 00:52:08mbroughtonsetrecipients: + mbroughton, loewis, therve, christian.heimes
2009-10-27 00:52:07mbroughtonsetmessageid: <>
2009-10-27 00:52:06mbroughtonlinkissue7211 messages
2009-10-27 00:52:06mbroughtoncreate