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Author twb
Recipients markon, nickd, twb
Date 2009-09-28.17:51:17
SpamBayes Score 2.3172575e-12
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The string module, however, fails to properly capitalize anything in quotes:

>>> string.capwords("i pity the 'foo'.")
"I Pity The 'foo'."

The string module could be easily made to work like the object. The
object could be made to work more like the module, only capitalizing
things after a space and the start of the string, but I'm not really
sure that it's any better. (The s.istitle() should also be updated if
s.title() is changed.) The inconsistency is pretty nasty, though, and
the documentation should probably be more specific about what's going on.
Date User Action Args
2009-09-28 17:51:18twbsetrecipients: + twb, markon, nickd
2009-09-28 17:51:18twbsetmessageid: <>
2009-09-28 17:51:17twblinkissue7008 messages
2009-09-28 17:51:17twbcreate