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Author solinym
Recipients loewis, solinym
Date 2009-08-22.03:02:59
SpamBayes Score 5.244964e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Where would be the best place to put these non-POSIX calls?

I looked at posixmodule.c and it's a mess; much conditional CPP logic
governing what gets compiled, not clear where I should add something
like this there - if I should at all, since these routines are not POSIX

Perhaps there should be a module called Unix or something?

Also, knowing whether the functions were avaiable at compile time would
be tricky; some Unix OSes have them and others don't.  It sounds like a
job for autoconf to define HAVE_SETRESUID and other CPP definitions like
that so we can compile cleanly and portably...

Date User Action Args
2009-08-22 03:03:01solinymsetrecipients: + solinym, loewis
2009-08-22 03:03:01solinymsetmessageid: <>
2009-08-22 03:03:00solinymlinkissue6508 messages
2009-08-22 03:02:59solinymcreate