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Author sharadinfozen
Date 2002-02-01.22:15:23
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

I've done a full backtrace on it (see gdbout2), but I 
really don't know how to interpret the results.  From what 
I can tell, the problem lies in this area:
#1  0x20f00 in PyString_FromString (
    str=0x7e1138 <Address 0x7e1138 out of bounds>)
    at Objects/stringobject.c:112
#2  0xad7dc in PyDict_SetItemString (v=0x7e1138,
    key=0x7e1138 <Address 0x7e1138 out of bounds>, 
    at Objects/dictobject.c:1879

Unfotunately, I can't tell what's going wrong in these 
source files, and when I tried 'p str' on the var 
referenced in line #1, I get: 
$1 = 0x7e1138 <Address 0x7e1138 out of bounds>
which does not explain much to me.

I have tried the package at SunFreeWare's site, but my 
developer needs the 'HTTPSConnection' from 'httplib', which 
apparently is _not_ built into the sunfreeware package.

So, any input, again, would be greatly appreciated.  

I realise you must be a busy guy, thanks for all of your 
help & patience!
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:58:57adminlinkissue510868 messages
2007-08-23 13:58:57admincreate