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Author rpetrov
Recipients benjamin.peterson, brett.cannon, brodie, ebehar, erickt, mark.dickinson, ronaldoussoren, rpetrov, tarek
Date 2009-06-04.21:40:16
SpamBayes Score 8.749408e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The current check for *gettext/*textdomain* functions is not so correct.
It mix(!?!) checks for headers with check for functions.

GNU libc include them and on linux we will see in pyconfig.h (trunk):
/* #undef WITH_LIBINTL */
#define HAVE_LIBINTL_H 1

If system "C" library don't include them then configure check(search) in
 additional libraries (-lintl) but in this case
"bind_textdomain_codeset" is not detected.

As the current check is "AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, textdomain, [ACTION], ..."
the library is not added to LIBS (see autoconf texinfo pages as reference).

Another file is . Trunk version add library "intl" if
WITH_LIBINTL is defined and on darwin adds '-framework',
'CoreFoundation' to link flags.

It seems to me that patch is not so simple.
May i propose following changes:
- remove current check for function "bind_textdomain_codeset";
- remove current check for header "libintl.h"
- replace "AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, textdomain, ..." with 
AC_SEARCH_LIBS(bindtextdomain, intl, 
   check for header "libintl.h"
   check for function "bind_textdomain_codeset"
- adjust use of defines in locale module
- adjust if necessary (I don't know p3k branch)

In a more advanced check I won't add library "intl" to $LIBS.
The check will be similar to the check for readline + restore of LIBS
after check and I will move line for locale module from Setup.dist into as example:
_locale _localemodule.c @LOCALE_LIBS@ #
where LOCALE_LIBS is substituted by configure script.
Date User Action Args
2009-06-04 21:40:20rpetrovsetrecipients: + rpetrov, brett.cannon, ronaldoussoren, mark.dickinson, benjamin.peterson, erickt, tarek, brodie, ebehar
2009-06-04 21:40:19rpetrovsetmessageid: <>
2009-06-04 21:40:18rpetrovlinkissue6154 messages
2009-06-04 21:40:16rpetrovcreate