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Author rndblnch
Recipients ajaksu2, barry, rndblnch
Date 2009-04-06.10:38:28
SpamBayes Score 4.451692e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
good idea, why not something like sketched in the attached patch?
it does not break any existing code, while providing a way for new users
to have a chance to get the decoding errors.
of course, the doc should be updated accordingly, and tests should be added.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-06 10:38:30rndblnchsetrecipients: + rndblnch, barry, ajaksu2
2009-04-06 10:38:30rndblnchsetmessageid: <>
2009-04-06 10:38:29rndblnchlinkissue1672568 messages
2009-04-06 10:38:28rndblnchcreate