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Author MLModel
Recipients MLModel
Date 2009-04-01.21:09:51
SpamBayes Score 6.550316e-15
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Mac OSX, py3k 70991
    cd doc; make html
fails due to an old style except clause in Doc/tools/sphinx/

The make works in release30-maint.

The difference is that the generated doc/Makefile in release30-maint 
assigns python2.5 to PYTHON, but the py3k doc/Makefile assigns python. I 
have things set up so that 'python' is Python 3. 

I understand how to set the variable from the command line, and I can 
build the html doc, but this should be fixed, either by continuing to 
specify python2.5 in the sphinx Makefile or by changing and 
whatever other code uses exception binding to the new syntax.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-01 21:09:54MLModelsetrecipients: + MLModel
2009-04-01 21:09:54MLModelsetmessageid: <>
2009-04-01 21:09:52MLModellinkissue5658 messages
2009-04-01 21:09:51MLModelcreate