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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients edlm10, eric.smith, georg.brandl, loewis, mark.dickinson, pitrou, waveform, wdoekes
Date 2009-03-18.15:50:25
SpamBayes Score 9.572815e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
r70357 seems to have caused the sparc solaris py3k buildbot to start failing on 

FAIL: test_integer_grouping_and_padding (test.test_locale.TestNumberFormatting)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home2/buildbot/slave/3.x.loewis-sun/build/Lib/test/", line 181, 
in test_integer_grouping_and_padding
    out=('4%s200' % self.sep).rjust(10))
  File "/home2/buildbot/slave/3.x.loewis-sun/build/Lib/test/", line 143, 
in _test_format
    func=locale.format, **format_opts)
  File "/home2/buildbot/slave/3.x.loewis-sun/build/Lib/test/", line 139, 
in _test_formatfunc
    func(format, value, **format_opts), out)
AssertionError: '     4200' != '      4200'

Any idea what's going on here?
Date User Action Args
2009-03-18 15:50:30mark.dickinsonsetrecipients: + mark.dickinson, loewis, georg.brandl, pitrou, eric.smith, edlm10, waveform, wdoekes
2009-03-18 15:50:29mark.dickinsonsetmessageid: <>
2009-03-18 15:50:26mark.dickinsonlinkissue1222 messages
2009-03-18 15:50:25mark.dickinsoncreate