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Author ocean-city
Recipients ocean-city
Date 2009-02-27.17:23:12
SpamBayes Score 2.253912e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
It seems mmap module is using inappropriate exception types. For example,

	if (! (PyString_Check(v)) ) {
				"mmap slice assignment must be a string");
		return -1;

I think this should be PyExc_TypeError.

		if (self->size >= pos && count > self->size - pos) {
					"source or destination out of range");
			return NULL;

I think this is out of range, so PyExc_IndexError.

Of course, there is the case difficult to determine which exception is
suitable. For example, if Py_ssize_t is negative value, OverflowError or
Date User Action Args
2009-02-27 17:23:17ocean-citysetrecipients: + ocean-city
2009-02-27 17:23:17ocean-citysetmessageid: <>
2009-02-27 17:23:13ocean-citylinkissue5384 messages
2009-02-27 17:23:12ocean-citycreate