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Author tksmashiw
Recipients ggenellina, kawai, tksmashiw
Date 2009-01-24.14:10:15
SpamBayes Score 6.5467984e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hi kawai.
I got correct output by modifying the code like you say, but I still
cannot understand why this happens.
Could you tell me more briefly, or point any documents about it?
I can't find any notes which say don't pass strings but append it for
CharacterDataHandler in official documents.
Does everyone know/understand it already? Only I am so stupid? (;;)
Date User Action Args
2009-01-24 14:10:17tksmashiwsetrecipients: + tksmashiw, ggenellina, kawai
2009-01-24 14:10:17tksmashiwsetmessageid: <>
2009-01-24 14:10:16tksmashiwlinkissue5036 messages
2009-01-24 14:10:15tksmashiwcreate