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Author exarkun
Recipients exarkun
Date 2009-01-05.19:08:25
SpamBayes Score 0.3457451
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In order to create an element with an attribute and a child, this is

    e = Element("foo")
    e.setAttribute("bar", "baz")

It would be preferable if Element.__init__ accepted two additional
parameters to shorten this:

    e = Element("foo", attributes={"bar": "baz"}, children=[quux])

It may also be preferable to have a third new parameter, attributesNS,
to parallel the Element.setAttributeNS method.  This would accept a dict
mapping namespaceURI and qualifiedName to an attribute value.
Date User Action Args
2009-01-05 19:08:36exarkunsetrecipients: + exarkun
2009-01-05 19:08:35exarkunsetmessageid: <>
2009-01-05 19:08:25exarkunlinkissue4849 messages
2009-01-05 19:08:25exarkuncreate