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Author malkarouri
Recipients TJ, Watchman, andreb, beazley, benjamin.peterson, donbraffitt, fzero, kjohnson, leoofborg, malkarouri, mtsch, naufraghi, ohmi, reowen, ronaldoussoren, tebeka, tommusic, wordtech
Date 2008-12-19.18:57:40
SpamBayes Score 0.049695767
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
2008/12/18 Benjamin Peterson <>:
> Benjamin Peterson <> added the comment:
> I've uploaded a .dmg for 2.6.1 to
> Could you please test it?

Just to confirm, I have installed the package in OS X 10.4.11, and
Tkinter and Idle work fine.

Many Thanks.
Date User Action Args
2008-12-19 18:57:42malkarourisetrecipients: + malkarouri, beazley, reowen, ronaldoussoren, tebeka, kjohnson, wordtech, benjamin.peterson, naufraghi, fzero, ohmi, tommusic, leoofborg, Watchman, donbraffitt, mtsch, andreb, TJ
2008-12-19 18:57:41malkarourilinkissue4017 messages
2008-12-19 18:57:40malkarouricreate