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Author pitrou
Recipients brett.cannon, pitrou
Date 2008-08-18.10:52:22
SpamBayes Score 7.673558e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Are many people using OpenDNS? Is there a way to detect that OpenDNS is
being used and trigger a separate path in the test?
I say that because returning a 404 when the domain lookup has failed is
wrong. Perhaps the test should check for a 404 and still raise an
exception, but with an appropriate message indicating that it may be due
to a "featureful" DNS service.
Date User Action Args
2008-08-18 10:52:24pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, brett.cannon
2008-08-18 10:52:24pitrousetmessageid: <>
2008-08-18 10:52:23pitroulinkissue3583 messages
2008-08-18 10:52:22pitroucreate