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Author josiahcarlson
Recipients josiahcarlson, pitrou
Date 2008-08-08.21:44:03
SpamBayes Score 0.0053035165
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In order for MemoryView to know what bytes it is pointing to in memory,
it (generally) keeps a pointer with a length.  In order to rotate the
data without any copies, you need a pointer and length for each rotation
plus the original.  For example, the equivalent to a rotate left of 8
characters using slicing is... x[8:] + x[:8].  That is two segments. 
That's a "multi-segment buffer interface".  But typical multi-segment
buffer interfaces require each segment to be exactly the same length
(like numpy), which is not the case with rotations.
Date User Action Args
2008-08-08 21:44:04josiahcarlsonsetrecipients: + josiahcarlson, pitrou
2008-08-08 21:44:04josiahcarlsonsetmessageid: <>
2008-08-08 21:44:03josiahcarlsonlinkissue3489 messages
2008-08-08 21:44:03josiahcarlsoncreate