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Author bohdan
Recipients bohdan, sharmila
Date 2008-06-12.19:40:26
SpamBayes Score 0.0066882637
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
The list is not the problem. The problem is the other reference, from
"<socket._fileobject object at 0xf7d42c34>".

Also note that the workaround (u.fp.recv = None) removes the second

This is fine (at least in CPython), because the socket is destroyed when the
refcount reaches zero, thus calling the finalizer.
File name Uploaded
unnamed bohdan, 2008-06-12.19:40:25
Date User Action Args
2008-06-12 19:40:28bohdansetspambayes_score: 0.00668826 -> 0.0066882637
recipients: + bohdan, sharmila
2008-06-12 19:40:26bohdanlinkissue3066 messages
2008-06-12 19:40:26bohdancreate