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Author sandeepsabnani
Recipients georg.brandl, sandeepsabnani
Date 2008-04-30.08:47:05
SpamBayes Score 0.047237586
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Section 4.4 on page has a for loop
which uses the range function. However, the displayed output of that
loop is not correct. I ran the same code and got the output as follows:

3 is a prime number
4 = 2 * 2
5 is a prime number
5 is a prime number
5 is a prime number
6 = 2 * 3
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
8 = 2 * 4
9 is a prime number
9 = 3 * 3

Can this be corrected in the tutorial as it can be confusing for a
python newbie!

Date User Action Args
2008-04-30 08:47:56sandeepsabnanisetspambayes_score: 0.0472376 -> 0.047237586
recipients: + sandeepsabnani, georg.brandl
2008-04-30 08:47:48sandeepsabnanisetspambayes_score: 0.0472376 -> 0.0472376
messageid: <>
2008-04-30 08:47:39sandeepsabnanilinkissue2724 messages
2008-04-30 08:47:32sandeepsabnanicreate