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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients alanmcintyre, christian.heimes, gvanrossum, inducer, loewis, mark.dickinson
Date 2008-04-23.17:08:48
SpamBayes Score 0.08596124
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Substantial fixes for the cmath module went into the trunk and the py3k 
branches as part of the merge of the trunk-math branch.  These fixes 
address the asinh problems in this issue, amongst other things.  See 
r62380 (trunk) and r62384 (py3k).
Date User Action Args
2008-04-23 17:08:49mark.dickinsonsetspambayes_score: 0.0859612 -> 0.08596124
recipients: + mark.dickinson, gvanrossum, loewis, alanmcintyre, inducer, christian.heimes
2008-04-23 17:08:49mark.dickinsonsetspambayes_score: 0.0859612 -> 0.0859612
messageid: <>
2008-04-23 17:08:48mark.dickinsonlinkissue1381 messages
2008-04-23 17:08:48mark.dickinsoncreate