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Author alexandre.vassalotti
Recipients alexandre.vassalotti, brett.cannon, gvanrossum
Date 2008-03-19.00:08:16
SpamBayes Score 0.18617593
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Here is a patch against the latest trunk (r61578) that includes the
accelerator module of io.BytesIO with its test suite. The patch also
changes the behavior of the truncate method to imply a seek(). Please
Date User Action Args
2008-03-19 00:08:26alexandre.vassalottisetspambayes_score: 0.186176 -> 0.18617593
recipients: + alexandre.vassalotti, gvanrossum, brett.cannon
2008-03-19 00:08:26alexandre.vassalottisetspambayes_score: 0.186176 -> 0.186176
messageid: <>
2008-03-19 00:08:23alexandre.vassalottilinkissue1751 messages
2008-03-19 00:08:22alexandre.vassalotticreate