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Author hniksic
Recipients hniksic
Date 2008-03-18.14:38:07
SpamBayes Score 0.009110308
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
It would seem that pickling arrays directly exposes the underlying
machine words, making the pickle non-portable to platforms with
different layout of array elements.  The guts of array.__reduce__ look
like this:

	if (array->ob_size > 0) {
		result = Py_BuildValue("O(cs#)O", 
			array->ob_size * array->ob_descr->itemsize,

The byte string that is pickled is directly created from the array's
contents.  Unpickling calls array_new which in turn calls
array_fromstring, which ends up memcpying the string data to the new array.

As far as I can tell, array pickles created on one platform cannot be
unpickled on a platform with different endianness (in case of integer
arrays), wchar_t size (in case of unicode arrays) or floating-point
representation (rare in practice, but possible).  If pickles are
supposed to be platform-independent, this should be fixed.

Maybe the "typecode" field when used with the constructor could be
augmented to include information about the elements, such as endianness
and floating-point format.  Or we should simply punt and pickle the
array as a list of Python objects that comprise it...?
Date User Action Args
2008-03-18 14:38:12hniksicsetspambayes_score: 0.00911031 -> 0.009110308
recipients: + hniksic
2008-03-18 14:38:12hniksicsetspambayes_score: 0.00911031 -> 0.00911031
messageid: <>
2008-03-18 14:38:08hniksiclinkissue2389 messages
2008-03-18 14:38:07hniksiccreate