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Author bethard
Recipients bethard
Date 2008-03-18.06:53:04
SpamBayes Score 0.0825501
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I'm attaching a patch that handles object comparisons, type comparisons,
cell comparisons, and dict comparisons. All the tests pass (including
the new ones I've added) but I'd appreciate it if someone could take a
second look.

Other things still remaining to be done:

* Someone needs to decide the correct behavior for method-wrappers
(descrobject.c), implement that in Python 2.6 and forward port it to 3.0.

* The following objects have a good tp_richcompare in Python 3.0:
codeobject.c, methodobject.c, sliceobject.c. Those tp_richcompares
should be backported to 2.6. Then a warning can be added for LE, LT, GE
and GT (with no warning for EQ or NE which won't change).

I may have a little time tomorrow to work on the latter task.
Date User Action Args
2008-03-18 06:53:07bethardsetspambayes_score: 0.0825501 -> 0.0825501
recipients: + bethard
2008-03-18 06:53:07bethardsetspambayes_score: 0.0825501 -> 0.0825501
messageid: <>
2008-03-18 06:53:07bethardlinkissue2373 messages
2008-03-18 06:53:06bethardcreate