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Author rhettinger
Recipients adlaiff6, christian.heimes, rhettinger
Date 2008-01-15.02:05:38
SpamBayes Score 0.09539053
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Run, "make test" a few times to make sure it doesn't bomb.

The problem may be due to needing a deferred_type instead of assigning
&PyTupleObject directly.  Will look it more later.
Date User Action Args
2008-01-15 02:05:39rhettingersetspambayes_score: 0.0953905 -> 0.09539053
recipients: + rhettinger, christian.heimes, adlaiff6
2008-01-15 02:05:39rhettingersetspambayes_score: 0.0953905 -> 0.0953905
messageid: <>
2008-01-15 02:05:38rhettingerlinkissue1820 messages
2008-01-15 02:05:38rhettingercreate