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Author tim.peters
Recipients christian.heimes, gvanrossum, nascheme, noam, rhettinger, skip.montanaro, tim.peters
Date 2007-12-23.01:58:11
SpamBayes Score 0.0008925179
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
If someone has a more recent version of MS's compiler, I'd be interested
to know what this does:

inc = 2.0**-43
base = 1024.0
xs = ([base + i*inc for i in range(-4, 0)] +
      [base] +
      [base + 2*i*inc for i in (1, 2)])
print xs
print ["%.16g" % x for x in xs]

That creates 7 distinct doubles all of which map to "1024" when
correctly rounded to 16 significant digits.  And that's what the Cygwin
Python 2.5.1 (which presumably uses David Gay's correct-rounding
conversion routines from glibc) displays for the last line:

['1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024']

The released Windows Python 2.5.1 displays this instead:

['1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024', '1024.000000000001']

That's a pretty gross rounding error, since the exact value of the last
element is


and so the 16'th digit should indeed not round up to 1.  It's a "pretty
gross" error because the rounded-off part isn't particularly close to a
half unit in the last (16'th) place.
Date User Action Args
2007-12-23 01:58:15tim.peterssetspambayes_score: 0.000892518 -> 0.0008925179
recipients: + tim.peters, gvanrossum, skip.montanaro, nascheme, rhettinger, christian.heimes, noam
2007-12-23 01:58:14tim.peterssetspambayes_score: 0.000892518 -> 0.000892518
messageid: <>
2007-12-23 01:58:14tim.peterslinkissue1580 messages
2007-12-23 01:58:12tim.peterscreate