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Author nobody
Date 2001-08-10.17:04:38
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Marked as misclassified
Trying to do 'make' again on 10.0.4 with CVS 
current as of this morning. I get all the way down 
ranlib libpython2.2.a
cc  -u __dummy -u _PyMac_Error -framework 
System -framework Foundation -framework 
Carbon -o python \
                Modules/python.o \
                libpython2.2.a -lpthread -ldl      
/usr/bin/ld: can't create output file: python (Is a 
directory, errno = 21)
make: *** [python] Error 1

Is this a flaw in the Makefile or is it a "feature" of 
Mac OS X being on HFS+ (which is NOT case 
sensitive)? Either way, I looked at the Makefile and 
had no idea where to even try to attempt a change. 
Any suggestions?

-John Buell
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:55:41adminlinkissue449854 messages
2007-08-23 13:55:41admincreate