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Author georg.brandl
Recipients QuantumTim, facundobatista, georg.brandl
Date 2007-10-12.16:15:25
SpamBayes Score 0.13265437
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
There's more to allowing \ at the end of a raw string: if you do that,
the raw string will end at the first quote character which is the same
as the opening one, so you can't put such a quote character into a raw
string anymore. At the moment, you can, by escaping it with a backslash,
though the backslash is left in the string.

There are basically two main uses for raw strings: Windows path names
and regular expressions. The current situation is optimal for the
latter: you can put both quote characters in a raw string, and the
backslash needed to quote the "string quote" being retained is not a
Date User Action Args
2007-10-12 16:15:26georg.brandlsetspambayes_score: 0.132654 -> 0.13265437
recipients: + georg.brandl, facundobatista, QuantumTim
2007-10-12 16:15:25georg.brandlsetspambayes_score: 0.132654 -> 0.132654
messageid: <>
2007-10-12 16:15:25georg.brandllinkissue1271 messages
2007-10-12 16:15:25georg.brandlcreate