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Author QuantumTim
Recipients QuantumTim
Date 2007-10-05.13:20:21
SpamBayes Score 0.06875275
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
From the docs for str.split:
"If sep is not specified or is None... First, whitespace characters are 
stripped from both ends. Then, words are separated by arbitrary length 
strings of whitespace characters."

However, ' a b c '.split(None, 1) returns ['a', 'b c '] indicating that 
the "stripped from both ends" isn't taking place, but that it's 
removing whitespace as it goes and never gets to the end as it stops 
parsing when it hits the first split.

Note this is easily worked around by calling str.strip().split(None, 
1), but it would be good not to have to.

I've tested this on windows version 2.5, and 2.4.4 for Debian
Date User Action Args
2007-10-05 13:20:23QuantumTimsetspambayes_score: 0.0687528 -> 0.06875275
recipients: + QuantumTim
2007-10-05 13:20:23QuantumTimsetspambayes_score: 0.0687528 -> 0.0687528
messageid: <>
2007-10-05 13:20:23QuantumTimlinkissue1240 messages
2007-10-05 13:20:22QuantumTimcreate