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Author swarren
Recipients jafo, lemburg, loewis, nnorwitz, swarren
Date 2007-09-21.16:04:02
SpamBayes Score 0.18103184
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hmm. I just tested Accurev - whatever it does, it works for files too.
That said, it could be making hard-links, which I guess could be different.

Additionally, the sysinternals "junction" utility doesn't find any
junction points when probing the link files.

I'll see if I can find out how they implemented it...
Date User Action Args
2007-09-21 16:04:03swarrensetspambayes_score: 0.181032 -> 0.18103184
recipients: + swarren, lemburg, loewis, nnorwitz, jafo
2007-09-21 16:04:03swarrensetspambayes_score: 0.181032 -> 0.181032
messageid: <>
2007-09-21 16:04:03swarrenlinkissue1578269 messages
2007-09-21 16:04:02swarrencreate