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Author gvanrossum
Recipients donmez, gvanrossum, jafo, nevyn
Date 2007-09-19.22:56:18
SpamBayes Score 0.20434561
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hm. First of all, it seems the imageop module has completely missed the
Py_ssize_t changes.

Second, I don't think that "if ( x != len / y )" is a valid replacement
for "if ( x*y != len )" -- consider x==5, y==2, len==11.
Date User Action Args
2007-09-19 22:56:18gvanrossumsetspambayes_score: 0.204346 -> 0.20434561
recipients: + gvanrossum, jafo, donmez, nevyn
2007-09-19 22:56:18gvanrossumsetspambayes_score: 0.204346 -> 0.204346
messageid: <>
2007-09-19 22:56:18gvanrossumlinkissue1179 messages
2007-09-19 22:56:18gvanrossumcreate