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Author chris_palmer
Date 2005-03-20.20:43:42
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

Okay, I read the page you point to. It provides no
explanation, just a statement of the fact I had already
discovered. An explanation would be nice.

Don't you think it's strange that these three conditions
should hold:

1. os.exec*p* are supported on Windows;
2. Windows systems have a PATH environment variable with the
same meaning and use as UNIX; and yet
3. os.spawn*p* are not supported on Windows?

If there's some difference to how the environment is treated
or used between exec* and spawn* on Windows, wouldn't it be
easy to emulate the PATH-searching feature?

My options are to emulate the PATH-searching feature myself
and ignore os.spawn*p* on all platforms, or to use it when
it's present and only emulate it on Windows. The first
option is ridiculous, the second is ridiculous and ugly.

If you won't emulate the spawn*p* behavior -- it's three
lines of Python! -- it would help if you could at least
explain why, technically.

Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 16:10:38adminlinkissue1166378 messages
2007-08-23 16:10:38admincreate