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Author josm
Date 2007-05-06.09:58:00
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Thank you for your reply.

A few more comments and requests.

+    def __init__(self, address=('localhost', SYSLOG_UDP_PORT), facility=LOG_USER, ident=sys.argv[0]):

Why sys.argv[0]? Assuming command line arguments doesn't look reasonable to me.

+        self.unixsocket = 0
+	self.syscall = 0

Please use single-tab indents. (PEP7)

Can I have the patch patch against the svn repository?
(against trunk should be preferable)
I had some problem applying your patch.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:58:19adminlinkissue1711603 messages
2007-08-23 15:58:19admincreate