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Author suzuki_hisao
Date 2005-03-17.08:40:51
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

I'm sorry, but the previous patches are insufficient to handle non-ASCII file 
The menu "Recent Files" in "File" in the menu-bar does not display such 
names correctly.
In addition, when updating the "Recent Files" menu, UnicodeDecodeError 
raises in _implicit_ conversion of unicode filename given by tkFileDialog to 
ASCII string.

So I made a new patch.  Do not use the previous patches, please.
The new patch converts every multi-byte file name into unicode early in 
IOBinding; thus the file path is correctly displayed in the title bar.  
And it converts every unicode name into multi-byte string explicitly when 
updating the menu.
Note that IDLE writes the recent file names as a text file.  Conversion into 
string is necessary anyway.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:42:12adminlinkissue1162825 messages
2007-08-23 15:42:12admincreate