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Author bob.ippolito
Date 2004-04-20.18:42:48
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

I don't see any reason to name them Py_X*.  The X doesn't really mean 
anything.  I also don't see any reason that it should use Py_INCREF 
instead of Py_XINCREF.  It is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FAST, and I don't see 
any reason to leave out the convenience.  If you want it to be fast,  you 
need to link directly to the Python framework or at least use macros for 
a particular configuration of Python.

This is for the very limited use case where you don't know or care how 
Python was configured.  I want to use it for the OS X python bootstrap 
(something like py2exe / freeze) and the reference counting is ONLY 
used to extract information from an uncaught exception (if there is one) 
when the script fails to execute.  It doesn't link directly to Python 
because the idea is that you shouldn't need a compiler to make a Python-
based application, and there's no real good reason to wait for gcc to 
compile+link the same thing over and over again.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:37:19adminlinkissue938302 messages
2007-08-23 15:37:19admincreate