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Author tim.peters
Date 2001-08-07.21:19:02
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

Closed via "Won't Fix" -- there's really nothing we can do 
about Wise 5.0a-generated installers.

Starting with 2.2a2, we're using Wise 8.14 to produce the 
Windows installer.  In my limited testing so far, it works 
much better on NT/Win2K than the old installer (which was 
produced by a version of Wise that came out when Win95 was 
brand new -- seems a miracle it ever worked at all under 

BTW, every time I suggest someone compute the MD5 checksum, 
their reply contains two things:  (a) an outraged assertion 
that they can't do it since they can't install Python; and, 
(b) the news that they managed to compute it anyway.  
Apparently I give users more credit than they give 
themselves <wink>.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:54:09adminlinkissue418156 messages
2007-08-23 13:54:09admincreate