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Author kevans
Recipients gregory.p.smith, izbyshev, kevans, kevans91
Date 2022-04-08.14:49:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Sure, sounds good to me. The original theory (IIRC, I've slept many times since then :-)) was that we already know first/last are valid and there are no other defined errors, so 'other errors' must be because close_range has started percolating up something from closing individual files.

It's been years now and that hasn't happened, even with more recent flag additions. I think it's safe to say it won't, and such a fallback upon error won't put us back into a bogus pre-close_range situation where we're needlessly close()ing a bunch of closed fds.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-08 14:49:16kevanssetrecipients: + kevans, gregory.p.smith, izbyshev, kevans91
2022-04-08 14:49:16kevanssetmessageid: <>
2022-04-08 14:49:16kevanslinkissue47260 messages
2022-04-08 14:49:16kevanscreate